25 Nov 2016
Music: Pat Uwaje King ''Thank you lord''
Nwankwo Samuel C.
In the 15th year anniversary of the Midnight Crew, Pat Uwaje King @patuwajeking of the Midnight Crew releases this powerful song to the public for everyone to thank God with her for the great things He has done for these past years. This is what she has to say: “We flew many miles, we flew many years, we were on the road, midnight, all day and God was with us all through these years. I just felt that God deserves a #THANKYOULORD from a daughter of Zion. God this is for you all the way – Take it. For all the goodness and mercies that we experienced and cannot explain, we just want to say Thank You Lord. We know that when we say #THANKYOULORD more new doors & new grounds will begin to open unto us.” – Pat Uwaje King

Nwankwo Samuel C. / Author & Editor
Nwankwo Samuel C. Popularly known and called Sammyflowsbeatz is a blogger, a DJ, a web designer and is currently a student of computer engineering at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, umudike, Abia state.